Single-sports Centres

Single-sport training centres offer facilities and support specific to one discipline and serve both current high-performance and up-and-coming athletes.

Single-sport training centres form an integral part of the model advocated by INS Québec, which includes regional multi-sport training centres and the INS Québec complex at the Olympic Park and which fits into the Canadian Olympic and Paralympic Sport Institute Network (COPSI Network).

Centre provincial d'excellence en athlétisme (athletics)

Centre d'entraînement d'aviron de Knowlton (rowing)

Centre de développement de l’excellence du Bassin olympique (rowing)

Training centre for rowing at Montréal’s Olympic Basin.

140 Chemin du Chenal le Moyne
Montréal (Québec) H3C 6J6

Centre de biathlon d’excellence du Québec

Olympic-level training centre for biathlon offering 35 kilometres of track and 27 shooting targets.

CMB Valcartier
Bat. 693, C.P.1000, Bureau 100
Succ. Forces Courcelette (Québec) G0A 4Z0

Centre national de canoë-kayak du Lac-Beauport

Centre national de cyclisme de Bromont (cycling)

Training centre for cycling sports.

400, rue Shefford
Bromont (Québec) J2L 3E7

Centre national de performance de Montréal (figure skating)

Training centre of figure skating.

Centre national courte piste de Montréal (speed skating - short track)

Training centre based at Maurice-Richard Arena, not far from INS Québec, that brings Canada’s top short-track speedskaters together in an optimal international-calibre training environment.

Aréna Maurice-Richard
2800 Viau
Montréal (Québec) H1V 3J3

Centre national Gaétan-Boucher (speed skating - long track)

Long-track speedskating training centre bringing top athletes from Eastern Canada together at the Anneau de glace Gaétan-Boucher in Québec City.

930, avenue Roland-Beaudin
Québec (Québec) G1V 4H8

Centre d’excellence acrobatique de Val-St-Côme (freestyle skiing - moguls)

Training centre allowing Québec’s top freestyle skiers to train in an environment that meets international standards in the Laurentian mountains.

501, rue Val Saint-Côme
Saint-Côme (Québec) J0K 2B0

Centre national d'entraînement acrobatique Yves Laroche (freestyle skiing - aerials)

Freestyle ski training center (aerials) in the Quebec City area offering coaching for high performance athletes to ensure their development and perfecting.

1084-c Boul. du Lac
Lac-Beauport (Québec) G3B 2P9

Centre national d’entraînement Pierre-Harvey (cross-country skiing)

Cross-country ski training centre bringing top athletes from Québec and elsewhere in Canada together at Mont Ste-Anne in St-Ferréol-les-Neiges, on the outskirts of Québec City.

463 11e Rue Saint-Malachie
Québec (Québec) G0R 3N0

Centre national de tennis

Centre national de haute performance (soccer)

Académie de tennis de table du Québec (table tennis)

Centre d'entraînement de triathlon de Québec

Centre d’entraînement à temps plein de volleyball

Training centre bringing Canada’s top volleyball athletes together to train full-time in its Gatineau complex.

Centre sportif de Gatineau
850 Boulevard de la Gappe
Gatineau (Québec) J8T 7T7

Centre d'excellence régional de volleyball de plage (beach volleyball)

MEQ - Programme de soutien aux CREM et aux CEU 2024-2027 (in French)

The Programme de soutien aux Centres régionaux d’entraînement multisport et aux Centres d’entraînement unisports aims to offer more scientific and sports medical services to athletes identified as “Elite” or “Relève”. The program also aims to promote priority access to specialized facilities that meet international standards for athletes identified as “Excellence”.