2021-2022- A Year Like No Other… Once Again

Affirming more than ever its desire to be a partner of choice for high-performance sport and the sport community, the Institut national du sport du Québec (INS Québec) presented its 2021-2022 activity report at its annual meeting on June 16. While the challenges related to the management of the pandemic once again attracted attention, the year was marked by a first: the presentation of two Olympic and Paralympic Games in the same fiscal year with Tokyo (summer 2021) and Beijing (winter 2022).
“Supporting and accompanying athletes in the lead-up to and during the Big Games is always a time of excitement, pressure and long hours,” said Jean R. Dupré, Chairman of the Board of INS Québec. “To do it twice in six months is exceptional. So were the members of our teams, whose commitment and professionalism must be applauded.”
INS Québec and its network members are proud to have accompanied 171 athletes in their Olympic and Paralympic preparation for Tokyo and Beijing. This represents 90% of the athletes originating from or training in Québec and more than 20% of the members of the various delegations who wore Canada’s colours during these Games.
Funding – a challenge and a priority
Whether it is public or private funds, optimizing, increasing and diversifying funding sources is and will remain a challenge and a priority for the organization.
“Although essential to the deployment of our services, the financial contributions of the governments of Québec and Canada cannot cover everything,” says Gaëtan Robitaille, President and CEO of INS Québec. “The needs of our clients are diversifying and their expectations are in line with our promise: excellence. We have no choice. To do better. To do more. To do things differently. So that INS Québec continues to be ‘The Ingenuity behind the performance’.”
Safe Sport and Partner Relations
Among the other highlights of the past year, the INS Québec has continued to implement initiatives to better empower its team regarding safe sport. The Institut is deeply convinced that this is a collective duty for all players in the sport system.
Collaboration is at the heart of INS Québec’s intervention model, so relationships with partners were a major focus in 2021-2022. The creation of the Projets Synergiques program (synergistic projects) is a good example of how the relationship with Québec sport federations and regional multi-sport training centres has evolved. On the Canadian stage, the Institut’s leadership has increased in various ways within the Canadian Olympic and Paralympic Sport Institute Network. At the international level, the INS Québec continues to play a leading role within the French-speaking Olympic Sports Medicine Research Network (ReFORM).
2022-2026: Support – Collaborate – Broaden
INS Québec took advantage of its annual meeting to present its 2022-2026 strategic plan, which will be under the sign of continuity and updating. Based on three pillars, the organization clearly indicates its intentions for the coming years: Support – Collaborate – Broaden.
From yesterday, to today, to tomorrow… 25 years of evolution
Originating from the Centre national multisport – Montréal created in April 1997, the INS Québec has been present in the Québec and Canadian sport ecosystem for 25 years now. From its beginnings as an almost confidential organization, the INS Québec is now a leader whose expertise extends beyond the country’s borders, both in the sports results of the athletes it serves and in its role as a scientific and medical sports development centre.
Throughout these 25 years, the INS Québec, thanks to its capacity to adapt and innovate, has supported thousands of athletes by providing services and innovations in sport medicine, sport science and personal services.
Board of Directors: departure of Bernard Petiot
A member of the INS Québec Board of Directors since 2016, Bernard Petiot did not seek a renewal of his mandate. He has been recognized for his interest in the role of sport science on the various dimensions of human performance. Highlights of his time on the Board include the establishment of the Human Resources Committee and his participation in the Cercle des présidents (Presidents’ Circle), which brings together the presidents of the Regional Multi-Sport Training Centres. He was also instrumental in establishing and maintaining the Institut’s relationship with Cirque du Soleil.
At the General Meeting, the members accepted the Board of Directors’ recommendation to renew the mandate of four directors: Francine Champoux, Jean R. Dupré, Yann Paquet, Marie Pinsonneault. The Board of Directors is completed by: Émilie Bundock, Benoit Huot, Nathalie Joncas, Mélanie Marois, Jean-Philippe Normandeau, François Racine.
PHOTO: The Chairman of the Board of Directors of INS Quebec, Jean R. Dupré (left) and the President and CEO, Gaëtan Robitaille (right) celebrated the contribution of Bernard Petiot for his time on the Board at the annual meeting.