INS Québec and Montréal Relève continue to support athletes in their career transition

 November 1, 2018

For a fourth consecutive year, Foot in the Door, the innovative mentorship and internship program created by Institut national du sport du Québec (INS Québec) and Montréal Relève, will provide high-performance athletes with an immersive experience. Both organizations have planned for twenty athletes to intern in their field of interest or study. High-performance athletes’ career transition is a pivotal moment in their life and Foot in the Door’s goal is to empower them so that these major changes are easier.

Since 2015, 35 INS Québec athletes have taken part in this program thanks to Montréal Relève’s network of more than 1,000 partner organizations representing fifteen of the metropolitan area’s major industries.


Evelyne Déry

Institut national du sport du Québec - Communications Coordinator


Laurie Vesco

Montréal Relève - Communications Advisor