Using Research and Innovation to Enhance Performance

 October 24, 2018

Institut national du sport du Québec (INS Québec) has undertaken an ambitious research, innovation and outreach program. Thanks primarily to the financial support of the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur, the Institut’s Sport Sciences Service is now able to enhance its scientific activities in order to provide high-performance athletes, coaches and members of the integrated support teams with the best services possible while preparing for the Olympics and Paralympics.

With increased importance being placed on cutting-edge fields such as data science and virtual reality, INS Québec—in collaboration with Integrated Supported Teams—identifies the most promising research and innovation topics. With the common goal being to help high-performance training groups improve their performance, the ongoing work involves all aspects of sports science.


Evelyne Déry

Communications Coordinator