Professional Development
ACD: Advanced Coaching Diploma
The Advanced Coaching Diploma program predominantly targets coaches working with “Train to train” and “Train to Compete” athletes.
Mentorship : Accélérateur d'apprentissage
The INS Québec’s Accélérateur d’apprentissage (Learning Accelerator) aims to improve the learning experience of participants by providing individualized and group support for their deliberate reflection.
Professional Development Activities
INS Québec has a range of workshops, conferences and training sessions aimed at coaches, as well as scientific and sports medicine professionals. These activities support coaches in their professional development by offering them personalized training sessions and the opportunity to work with specialists.
Savoir sport
Savoir-sport contribue à rendre accessible les connaissances scientifiques et techniques liées au sport de haut-niveau en diffusant des recherches de façon vulgarisée, en langue française.