Research Activities – List of projects

INS Québec carries out research and innovation activities with a view to improving the performance of high-performance athletes. Working with partners in the academic, medical and private sectors, the Institute’s scientific and medical personnel study, develop and create cutting-edge solutions. These scientific endeavours touch a variety of fields: motor learning, biomechanics, chronobiology, engineering, neuroscience, nutrition, physiology, psychology, etc.

ARCHERY - Neurofeedback in archery

Fédération de tir à l'arc du Québec

ARTISTIC SWIMMING - Hypercapnic training

Natation artistique Québec

BASEBALL - Evaluation, follow-up and visual-motor training for talent identification and performance improvement in baseball

Baseball Québec

BASKETBALL - Talent identification in basketball

Fédération de basketball du Québec

BIATHLON - Tribology

Fédération québécoise de biathlon

BOXING - Virtual reality in boxing

Fédération québécoise de boxe olympique

CANOE-KAYAK / WHITEWATER - Interpretation of scientific literature

Eau vive Québec

CYCLING SPORTS - Innovative approaches in cycling sports

Fédération québécoise des sports cyclistes

FENCING - Development of general performance factors in fencing

Fédération d’escrime du Québec

FIGURE SKATING - Improvement of jumps in figure skating

Patinage Québec

FREESTYLE SKIING - Trampoline acrobatics for freestyle skiing

Fédération québécoise de ski acrobatique

GOALBALL - Validation of goalball specific fitness tests

Association sportive des aveugles du Québec (ASAQ)

GYMNASTICS - Time of flight improvement

Gymnastique Québec

ICE HOCKEY - Monitoring of elite field hockey athletes

Fédération québécoise de hockey sur glace

JUDO - Evaluation of physical skills

Judo Québec

OLYMPIC HANDBALL - Visual feedback and performance monitoring

Fédération québécoise de handball olympique

PARASPORTS - Wheelchair Handling

Parasports Québec

ROWING - Optimization of ergometer training

Association québécoise d'aviron

SAIL - Sailing simulator in virtual reality

Fédération de Voile du Québec

SNOWBOARD - Measurement of heart rate variability

Association Québec snowboard

SNOWBOARD - Tribology

Association Québec snowboard

SQUASH - Innovative approach in mental performance

Squash Québec

TAEKWONDO - Evaluation of the physical qualities of Québec Taekwondo athletes

Association de tae-kwon-do du Québec

VOLLEYBALL - Optimization of physical preparation of volleyball athletes

Volleyball Québec

WEIGHTLIFTING - Speed-Based Training: Effect on Weightlifting Performance

Fédération d’haltérophilie du Québec