Sports Medicine Services

Sports medicine

Athletes can enjoy quick access to our sports doctors. Highly qualified to meet the specific needs of high-performance athletes, they will coordinate the clinic’s interdisciplinary team and its network of partners to optimize your treatment.

Sports nutrition

Maximize the benefits of your training and optimize your energy levels with a sports nutrition specialist. With well-founded expertise in the control of body composition and personalized energy optimization methods, a sports nutritionist is sure to boost your athletic performance.


Canadian Supplement Position Statement

Operational Best Practices for Dietary Supplementation in Canadian Sport

Safe Supplement Use – Infographic


Sports physiotherapy and sports therapy

The equipment used by our certified sports physiotherapists and professional manual therapists is based on cutting-edge technology. Our experts will maximize your sporting performance, while reducing the risk of acquiring new injuries or suffering a recurrence of old ones, ensuring a quick, informed and safe return to training.

Massage therapy

Owing to their extensive training and vast experience in working with high-performance athletes, our massage therapists have all the necessary skills to aid your recovery, as well as your athletic and overall well-being.


Our osteopaths work in concert with professionals in the sports medicine clinic to ensure the restoration of the functionality of structures and systems. Their varied experience and high level of expertise will allow you to achieve your health and sports performance optimization goals.

Interdisciplinary Concussion Clinic

Briefly, the INS Québec Concussion Interdisciplinary Clinic is :

Comprehensive treatment of the concussed athlete and/or completion of a full baseline assessment plan for prevention and reassessment.

  • Baseline assessment
  • Multidisciplinary treatment
  • High level of specialization among the professionals involved:
    • Sports physicians (consultations covered by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec [RAMQ])
    • Physiotherapists (specialists in sports physiotherapy, orthopedic manual physical therapy, dry needling, vestibular rehabilitation)
    • Osteopaths
    • Neuropsychologists
    • Kinesiologists specializing in post-concussion rehabilitation
    • Sports vision specialists
  • Conferences and research
To know more about the Concussio Interdisciplinary Clinic – CLICK HERE

Personalized health check for athletes

A personalized health check designed to meet your specific needs. Whether for regular, long-term or short-term follow-ups, you can enjoy quick and easy access to our large team of specialists to help you optimize your teams’ performance.

Pre-, post- and intra-season camps

Get fully customizable and turnkey support in line with the requirements for your pre-, post- and intra-season assessments. Following an analysis of your requirements during an initial appointment, our team of experts will recommend a set of sports medicine tests specifically adapted to your sporting needs and making use of the latest developments in the field.

Following the tests (during which you may be accompanied by your trainer to ensure that all information is passed on), you will receive an individual report containing your results and personalized recommendations. This will be explained to you during a dedicated results appointment.

Sexual health clinic

Consult with an INS Québec nurse on various topics related to sexual health. The following services are available by appointment :

  • STI screening: Same day assessment and sampling, as well as results within two weeks.
  • Contraception: general advice, initiation, renewal or modification
  • Pap test
  • HPV and other vaccinations
  • Discussion and resources on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression

Other services are also available daily and without appointment, such as:

  • Free pregnancy test
  • Contraception forgetfulness management – in person or by phone
  • Emergency contraception – “morning-after pill” available on site
  • Counselling and referral to resources in case of unwanted pregnancy

Walk-in clinic

The sports medicine clinic offers walk-in hours for consultations with a nurse from INS Québec. It is possible to consult for a variety of minor health problems, such as:

  • Urinary symptoms
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Respiratory difficulties
  • Dermatological symptoms, etc.

The nurse can quickly manage many situations and if necessary, the athlete will be referred to a physician.


Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: closed


Sexual health clinic

The last Thursday of each month


Walk-in clinic



INS Québec Sports Medicine Clinic